Enrolling at Kelburn Normal School
For our International Students please refer to this page.
Enrolment process
We'd love to hear from you
First Day
On your child’s first day of school, please go to the school office. You and your child will be taken to the appropriate classroom.
In the case of students who have never been enrolled before, an Enrolment Record will be started for the student, and in the case of other students, the Enrolment Record will be requested from the student’s previous school.
More information can also be found in this electronic brochure for our new whānau.
For our New Entrants stationery is obtained through our office, for all other years please follow this link stationery.
Check if you are in-zone
View the school home zone map. Please contact our Enrolment Officer for information on out-of zone places or refer to this document for 2024. Refer here for information on our 2025 enrolments ballot.
Complete an application
To enrol your child(ren) complete an online enrolment for each child.
You will also need the following documentation to complete the enrolment:
Parents of five year-olds and children new to New Zealand provide their child’s birth certificate or passport to verify their date of birth and visa status.
Parents enrolling five year-old New Zealand residents will be required to provide a copy of their child’s immunisation record, a copy of which should be available from your GP.
Proof of your residential address such as a utility invoice.
Names, addresses and contact numbers of emergency contacts will also be required. These contacts are trusted family members/friends who can be contacted if the school is unable to contact the child’s principal caregivers in an emergency (e.g. illness or injury).
Meet with the Principal
Bring your child with you to this appointment if possible. For New Entrant enrolments, arrangements will be made for pre-enrolment visits once an enrolment application has been accepted.
For New Entrants
The Tupu Team provide Kelburn Normal School children with the best possible start to their school career. We deliver opportunities to encourage the development of problem solving skills, the taking of appropriate risks in learning, the growth of strong peer relationships and help to generate a love of learning.
We take pride in what we offer:
Reading, writing, language, mathematics, visual and performing arts, science, social studies, technology, physical education, and basic Te Reo.
A smooth transition to school.
New Entrant Chit-Chat sessions each term to share with parents the class programme and issues.
A secure staff and friendly environment with emphasis on being thoughtful, of needs of others and to be kind and to care for others.
Regular monitoring of pupils and feedback to parents through regular and informative goal setting sessions, reports and two way interviews.
Parent involvement in classroom programmes.
A team approach caring for your child and their family throughout their time in the junior school area.
Co-operative and caring team teacher approach.
Regular togetherness as a junior school department with assemblies, buddy class, class sharing to promote an attitude of belonging.
We take your child on board in all aspects - social, academic and emotional well-being. Your child will go on a series of pre-arranged introductory visits prior to turning five.
What is enrolment?
Enrolment is the official procedure of registering your child into the New Zealand education system, and into Kelburn Normal School, and gives us an opportunity to welcome your family into our school community.
When do I enrol my child?
It is very important to us to have an accurate record of the pre-schoolers living inside our school zone. These numbers assist us to accurately predict the number of teachers we need to cater for the number of new enrolments. Even if you are unsure if your child will start school with us please inform the school office that you have a pre-schooler living in the school zone. The sooner the better.