Sports at KNS
- in the process of being updated
We value being an active school and every child takes part in physical education, sports and games to the level that suits them. All children at all levels can participate in a physical activity as described below.
In addition to regular class physical education, a number of sports and physical activities are offered during the day or after school. The running of these activities varies, depending on how many children are keen to participate and whether there are teachers and parents available to coach or coordinate them. During the week day we rely heavily on parents to support external sporting opportunities for the children with transport and supervision.
Information about the various activities is communicated to the children and in the school newsletter. Participation is on a first-in-first-served basis and it is up to the individual child to show organisational skills to get themselves to the activities. School labelled clothing is available for purchase from the school office. Costs vary, depending on the activity.
For further information regarding these opportunities, contact our office or the parent coordinator noted below:
The children have swimming lessons using local community pools. These are blocked in during the year and children travel to and from the pools by bus. You will be advised when these occur. We have a whole school swim sports annually. Our Yrs 4-8 swim team competes in Western Zones and children qualify for the Inter-Zone competitions.
Western Zones
Yrs 4-8 compete in a range of sports at Western Zones competitions. Many individuals or teams go on to compete at a regional level. Competition dates and venues will be advertised in the newsletter. Sports include:
Cross Country

Years 3 to 8 play Winter netball and this is held on Saturday mornings in Terms 2 and 3 at Cardinal McKeefry School in Wilton.
For more information visit https://www.sporty.co.nz/kelburn or email kelburnnetball@gmail.com
Summer netball is run through Kelly Sports (see below) on Friday afternoons (terms 4 and 1) - this is not run by the club but many of the players play in both summer and winter netball.
Kelly Sports
Kelly Sports is a great way to improve your child’s motor skills and coordination within a FUN environment. We aim to develop and enhance balls skills; catching, kicking and throwing, while improving strength, flexibility, hand/eye coordination and spatial awareness.
With two weeks each of different sports (8 weeks in total). We teach new skills and improve ability by using games, drills and fun exercises. It is a great way to try new sports, improve skills and maintain fitness – all while having FUN!
Wednesdays at Kelburn Normal School from 3.05pm-4.05pm.
Kelly Sports also runs a Summer Series Football and Netball Competition which is run in term 4 and term 1. We also run Football and Netball Holiday Programmes.
For me information go to:
Ph 04 972 7201