Book Week - Wiki pukapuka 19-23 August 2024
Currently the school has a well resourced library. Our library collections are distributed through-out the building and a self-issuing process is used for Whānui and Māia students. Many of the library tasks are managed by our year 7/8 students, which gives children full access to our library resources at all times, and allows our older children to grow by contributing and serving the school community. Children from Tupu and Whanake borrow books once a week with their team to take home and return their book to their class teacher. For our older children the library collection is always available to search for information or exchange books to read.
Our librarians are trained and help out with our junior classes and during break times to ensure our library collections are always in good order for everyone to enjoy.
Kelburn Normal School - Library Team:
Katharina Vautier, Library Manager
Libya Munn, Library Team Leader, Teacher Māia, Associate Principal
Andrea Molloy, Teacher Tupu
Brooke Harper, Teacher Whanake
Rebekah Rasmussen, Teacher Whānui
Our library website:
Our library email: