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Active Students

Road Patrol

Year 6-8 students can volunteer for road patrol. Training is mandatory and is usually given at the end of the year.

Road patrol operates on a roster basis.

For any queries please contact Rachel.

Library collection upstairs within our modern learning enviromnent



Many of the library tasks are managed by our senior students, which gives children full access to our library resources at all times, and allows our older children to grow by contributing and serving the school community. 

Our librarians are trained and help out classes and help during lunch time or in the morning to ensure our library collections are always in good order for everyone to use.

For any questions please refer also to our Library page

Children doing road patrol.
Children doing road patrol.

Student Council

The Purpose

The purpose of the Student Council is to promote the Key Competencies and the Values across the school by encouraging children to take leadership and responsibility, and make good decisions. This is part of the school wide development of nurturing student voice and agency. For the NZ Curriculum Principle of future focus the council will be leading environmental awareness and interdependency.

Selection of class councillors
  • The Junior Syndicate select two new councillors every term

  • The Lower Middle and Upper Middle Syndicate select two councillors every two terms

  • The Senior Syndicate select two councillors for the year

  • The process of selection for the younger students may be a lucky draw, whereas for the older students may need to make a presentation about why they are suitable.

  • A key responsibility of councillors is to lead class discussions (class meetings) about class and playground culture and to help problem solve when issues and questions arise. They note down any concerns, ideas, or initiatives and bring them to the council meetings. This is also part of our health and safety procedure.

  • Involve their classes in whole school activities and initiatives that the council plans.


The student council will discuss and come up with these.

Student Council meeting
Kelburn Normal School Playground

Playground Buddies


This is an opportunity for year 5-6 students to make a contribution to our school community and support our tamariki. 

The aims of this programme is to -

  • Raise awareness of how one’s self and others act in conflict situations

  • Teach life-long conflict management skills so that individuals feel empowered to make positive choices towards peaceful conflict resolution.

  • Develop leadership in giving service to others and promoting respect for differences and diversity

  • Empower individuals to believe they can make a positive difference in their homes, schools, communities and beyond.


The goal of the programme is to help young people develop lifelong problem solving skills. Mediation is a process that uses a 3rd party to help create a solution between 2 people / groups who have a problem.


Chess Club

Chess club is a fun and social club about the game of chess. Students will play games against other students every week. We have a competitive ladder for students who want to take part in it, and casual games for those who want that. We look at particular openings, and discuss strategic ideas. The focus is on chess being fun and accessible for all.

Code Club

Code Club gives students an opportunity to further explore digital technologies with the support of the outreach programme from Wellington Faculty of Engineering.  There are opportunities to work on their own projects, collaborate with students across the school and explore new tools brought in from the university.


Some of the technologies we explore are:

- Scratch and Scratch Jnr

- Python

- Lego Mindstorms

- Microbits

- Makey Makey


Code club is open to all ages across the school. A big focus is collaboration and teamwork, alongside extending students' understanding of digital technologies.

Integrated chess board on the middle court.
Children at Code Club
Children at code club
cross-country parachute.jpeg


Kelburn has four school houses:

Rata, Ngaio, Rimu and Kowhai.

All children are allocated into a house on enrolment and represent their house at sports days. The houses gives us a vertical grouping from year 1 to 8, and enable our children to be in a ‘different team than their usual groups. They show a lovely unity as they display a pastoral care element for the younger children.

We use our houses for our in-school sport events - swimming, athletics and cross country and other school wide events/ activities. The overall champion house is announced at the end of each year.

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