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International Students
Enrolment Process

How to Enrol as an International Student
Please have a thorough read of our Education Code of Practice here.
You can view our fee schedule here.

To process an application we need the following documents:

  1. Our minimum enrolment period is two terms (20 weeks).

  2. A completed international student enrolment agreement (July 2024).

(see here for further information on how to fill out this form)

  1. A copy of the child's passport and visa.  We also need to sight the original and copy the date of entry stamp into NZ.

  2. A copy of the child's birth certificate in English

  3. A copy of the parent's passport with their signature page included and parent's visa.

  4. A copy of the child's immunisation records in English.

  5. A signed permissions form.

These documents should then be emailed to

Once an offer has been issued we require a copy of the insurance documents for the child during the stay in New Zealand.

You can also find all application related documents/forms here.

First Day

On your child’s first day of school, please go to the school office. You and your child will be taken to the appropriate classroom.

More information can also be found in this electronic brochure for our new whānau (families).

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