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Covid Information for our whānau

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As of 13 September:

  • a person with COVID-19 do not need to isolate, but instead are asked to complete a RAT test each day, for 5 days. This means that ākonga who are household contacts should continue to attend school if they— 

·       test negative, and 

·       do not have Covid-19 symptoms.  

  • mask-wearing is no longer strongly recommended.  We understand that some people will choose to wear a mask, and some may feel anxiety with this change, we support each whānau in making their own choice around mask-wearing.

All the other recommended public health measures will stay in place as they reduce the spread of infectious illnesses including COVID-19. These include ensuring our indoor spaces are well-ventilated, maintaining good hand hygiene, encouraging everyone to cough or sneeze into elbows and, most importantly, students staying home and getting tested if they have COVID-19 symptoms.

Information on how to get RAT kits can be found here: Request a RAT– Ministry of Health  

Additional Points…

My child is feeling unwell (e.g. cough, headache, sore throat etc) Can I still send
them to school?

Because these are all symptoms of Covid, please do not send your child to school. While these may be the normal bugs/sniffles that occur, we encourage you to test your child.

Is it safe to send my child to school?
Encourage you to send them to school as much as you can, unless the above applies. As you know, our students have had lots of interruptions over the past 2 years, and we really want to see them at school as much as possible. Our school health and safety plan still contains a number of protections.

My child is anxious or scared. What advice do you have?
Our onsite team is working hard to make school fun, safe and a place of learning. We encourage you to focus on the things that they can do to help - mask-wearing, washing hands, getting a test (if required) This website has some useful tips -

Who do I advise if our child test positive for Covid-19?

Please contact the school on 04 475 9351 or email as soon as possible.

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